From their origin, feeds were intended to be an abstraction from a template, allowing you to return lists, create printer friendly pages, and various other things, completely detached from the skin and without the overhead of the DNN page itself. In fact, a feed is called by loading /DesktopModules/XModPro/Feed.aspx, which you can see is it's own page. However, you may have noticed that when creating a feed, you use a control within the feed itself (i.e. <xmod:Feed>, <xmod:JsonFeed>). So the workhorse of a feed is in fact the feed control. That means you can inject this control directly in a template without using various feed loading methods.
The following is an example of using a feed directly within a <DetailTemplate> to return roles based on a user.
<xmod:Template UsePaging="True" Ajax="True"> <ListDataSource CommandText="SELECT [UserId], [PortalId], [Username], [FirstName], [LastName] FROM vw_Users"/> <DetailDataSource CommandText="SELECT [UserId], [PortalId], [Username], [FirstName], [LastName], [DisplayName], [IsSuperUser], [Email], [VanityUrl], [AffiliateId], [IsDeleted], [RefreshRoles], [LastIPAddress], [UpdatePassword], [PasswordResetToken], [PasswordResetExpiration], [Authorised], [CreatedByUserId], [CreatedOnDate], [LastModifiedByUserId], [LastModifiedOnDate] FROM vw_Users WHERE [UserId] = @UserId"> <Parameter Name="UserId" /> </DetailDataSource> <HeaderTemplate> <table class="table table-striped"> <thead> <tr> <th>User Id</th> <th>Portal Id</th> <th>Username</th> <th>First Name</th> <th>Last Name</th> <th> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> </HeaderTemplate> <ItemTemplate> <tr> <td>[[UserId]]</td> <td>[[PortalId]]</td> <td>[[Username]]</td> <td>[[FirstName]]</td> <td>[[LastName]]</td> <td> <xmod:DetailLink Text="Details"> <Parameter Name="UserId" Value='[[UserId]]' /> </xmod:DetailLink> </td> </tr> </ItemTemplate> <FooterTemplate> </tbody> </table> </FooterTemplate> <DetailTemplate> <dl class="dl dl-horizontal"> <dt>UserId</dt> <dd>[[UserID]]</dd> <dt>Username</dt> <dd>[[Username]]</dd> <dt>FirstName</dt> <dd>[[FirstName]]</dd> <dt>LastName</dt> <dd>[[LastName]]</dd> <dt>DisplayName</dt> <dd>[[DisplayName]]</dd> <dt>Email</dt> <dd>[[Email]]</dd> </dl> <xmod:Feed> <ListDataSource CommandText="SELECT * FROM dbo.vw_UserRoles WHERE UserId = @UserId"> <Parameter Name="UserId" Value='[[UserID]]' DataType="Int32" /> </ListDataSource> <HeaderTemplate> <h4>Roles</h4> <ul> </HeaderTemplate> <ItemTemplate> <li>[[RoleName]]</li> </ItemTemplate> <FooterTemplate> </ul> </FooterTemplate> </xmod:Feed> <xmod:ReturnLink CssClass="btn btn-default" Text="Go Back" /> </DetailTemplate> </xmod:Template>